Tuesday, October 26, 2010

White tea combats cancer

As I was surfing the web this week I came across an interesting article on CNN International. The headline read, “Drink white tea if you are a smoker.” Now, I am not a smoker, but I do want to report all of my white tea findings to you guys, so I decided to look into it. The blurb stated commonly known facts about white tea, which can be applied to smokers.

  1. White tea is good for your throat
  2. A cup of white tea can help clear away phlegm in your throat that builds up when you have a cold, or if you are a heavy smoker.

Now I am not condoning, smoking, in fact I heartily encourage all you smokers to kick the nasty habit and swap your nicotine fix for a white tea fix. But, studies have shown that nine-out-of-ten smokers attempt to quit cold turkey and fewer than 5 percent succeed. So, instead of making any drastic changes in your lives, try adopting a new habit and begin to work white tea into your daily routine.

Although green tea is all the rage in the diet and health world, studies have shown that white tea may be five-times more effective than green tea in combating cancer.

Acupuncture today quoted Dr. Roderick Dashwood, a professor at Linus Pauling Institute and the principal investigator and director of the Cancer Chemoprotection Program saying, "Our theory was that white tea might have equivalent or higher levels of these polyphenols than green tea, and thus be more beneficial."

White tea produces the highest levels of the natural chemical called flavonoids that can lower a smoker’s risk of developing lung cancer.

So there you have it. If you can’t resist your daily dose of nicotine, combat its poisonous toxins with a fresh cup of white tea. But be sure to use fresh tealeaves because they have 20 percent more flavonoids than prepackaged teas.

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